Passion - why I think it's important to follow your dreams
I really don't understand blogging quite yet, but do feel I have something to say. So, here goes. I am going to talk about why I love what I'm doing and how this vision of my little company, hahaWHATEVER, is ever evolving.
The name hahaWHATEVER came about so I could actually sort through my junk email and it just kind of stuck. I thought about starting my own business for years, but never ever thought I would do anything with retail, much less online or even marketing. I am not artistic in any way and have a long way to go with getting my scattered thoughts down on paper (or computer screen) so others can even comprehend them. I do, however, know what I love (Humor, Horses, WINE and "I want that" items on TV shows) and just kind of have put that out there to the Universe so to speak. I really have envisioned incorporating my horse into a business both for a tax advantage and because I just love horses and the horse community.
So, I finally got the nerve up to put myself out there. I keep thinking about this shirt I bought in Jamaica that has upside down words: If you can read this, put me back on my bar stool! I like to laugh at my failures, so wanted to get this on a shirt and have it say "Put me back on my horse". I bought a t-shirt and it was just kind of unflattering and meh. I wanted to add my "Amy" touch: a cuter fitting shirt that flattered and add a little cartoon to tell a story! I had 12 of these made after spending several hundred dollars getting the drawing and lettering done just right. I was SO EXCITED and proud of my work. I used my networking skills to get in front of a buyer at a pretty large local tack store (via email) and get her feedback hoping that she would order thousands and I would be in business! Well, she politely shot me down saying my shirt was way too detailed and did not address a broad enough crowd. After several tears, I still had some made - kept 2 for myself - gave 2 away and sold the rest. If you have seen or have one of these shirts, keep it because it may be worth millions one day, hahaWHATEVER.
I wanted to do more shirts - my horse looking down at me with the words "Put me back on my horse!" Another one is my horse eating hay asking if the lowest score in dressage wins? I will do posts on those later with each story. I have done so many other things and didn't really put them up online, but sold them to my network of special horse and humor loving friends. The few that "GOT" my odd sense of humor. I have yet to really put them online because if they are not super visible to the world, then I can't fail, right??
As I sit here typing, my neck is starting to tense up as I think about the things I should actually be doing to move my little company created with so much passion and blind vision! My hand is hurting from the bone on bone arthritis I have in my right thumb, but I will push thru somehow. Pain is nothing to me now compared to what I have gone thru in my life - I will blog and write a book about this someday in hopes of touching someone out there that needs to see even a tiny light at the end of the tunnel and maybe I can make a positive difference in their life.